Pet Cemetery in Prague
168 signatures

Pet Cemetery in Prague

Author: Alois Mikulášek | Uploaded: 08.06.2014 | 168 signatures
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According to Article 18 of the “Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms” and Act No. 85/1990 Coll. on the right of petition

We, the undersigned citizens, through this petition, we ask that the construction of “The memorial park for animals kept as pets in Prague – Zličín” was approved, in accordance with applicable legislation. The construction is in accordance with the applicable Land Use Plan of the Capital City of Prague.


Ninety expressions, standpoints and decisions were issued to the application for issue of planning decision on the location of the construction and change of land use.


For example:

  • - Hygiene Station of the Capital City of Prague, dated 31st August 2013, reference number: HSHMP 38754/2013 Z.HK/K,
  • - Municipal Veterinary Administration in Prague - State Veterinary Administration, reference number: SVS/2013/032613-A/01, dated 13th June 2013.


Animal Cemetery enables us to relieve pain and sorrow when our pet dies. We will be able to part with dignity with our pet, and we can decide ourselves how we will treat its ashes. Commemorative Park offers cremation; we will be able to take home the urn containing the ashes of our animal, save it to a columbarium or insert into the memorial of our choice.

The breeder will be able to visit whenever the animal cemetery, and be pleased at least by the remembrance of cohabitation with the animal. Under the current legislation, the animal is no longer a thing but a living being.

We want to create the equivalent conditions for the possibility to visit our dead animal in a beautiful natural environment - the same possibility as the citizens have anywhere in the Czech Republic, if they want to visit their deceased on any of the human cemeteries that are located in city centres or on their periphery close to public transport.


In our view, respect for the deceased person as well as for domestic animal is a sign of the cultural nation. The bereaved persons come to visit their deceased family members or friends to cemeteries and it is an absolutely natural thing. Why could not it be possible for us, the breeders? The proposed memorial park for animals kept as pets in Prague - Zličín would be the first dignified comprehensive facilities of its kind in the Czech Republic, and it would be for all of us, not just breeders a definite benefit.


A place for the “Hall of Fame” will also be in the memorial park, which will commemorate the rescue actions of the service dogs, military dogs, police dogs and rescue canine professionals. We must not forget the canis-therapeutic dogs which help the elderly and children with disabilities. Pets are indispensable companions for us humans, without which one important dimension would be missing to our lives.

For others, a visit to the memorial park will be an oasis of peace and quiet in a beautiful natural environment.

Thank you.


Alois Mikulášek – dog breeder

Chairman of the Board of BENEFIT Development a.s.


To whom will the petition be forwarded: Ministerstvo životního prostředí, Magistrát hl. m. Prahy

Petition signature must be confirmed in a subsequent e-mail.

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Signatures | 168 (+42 not confirmed)

  • Nikola Jelínková | Vonoklasy
  • Data of the signer not published
  • Michaela Cermakova | Praha
  • Data of the signer not published
  • Marcela Krečmerová | Praha 9
  • Ondřej Maršálek | Praha
  • Miroslav Mokráš | Senec
  • Stanislav Vlkovič | Bratislava
  • Elena Vacvalová | Bratislava
  • Data of the signer not published
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